Tag Archives: Nevada

Mission Accomlished

I took my last college test ever yesterday! It was amazing. I walked out of school and I screamed like I just won the lottery. Technically it’s the opposite considering how much I owe in student loans. ” Yes I can finally start paying my loans back!” That was me screaming with joy.

I needed to celebrate and what batter way to celebrate than to drink beer! Seriously, do you have an answer? Because I have a lot of reasons to celebrate and they all revolve around drinking beer. I started drinking a whole montage of beers at a party and they combined forces to create a power stronger than Captain Planet.

I have added some serious credibility to my beer drinking repertoire over my years at college. Between my time in WVU, ASU, Australia, Mexico and Asia, I would have to say I became a beer connoisseur. You don’t need to listen to my judgment of alcohol content, I am just here to entertain you while you sit at your work desk and pretend to work. Yes you! Quick, someone is coming!

You have helped my beer blog evolve into a lifestyle guide for the drinking elite. I can’t wait to see what I’ll drink next. I will rate Sierra Nevada pale ale, and Newcastle this week, along with whatever other life juice’s I drink tonight. Get back to be on the celebration question too!

This video came on last night at a Malone’s Tavern in Tempe and I felt I absolutely had to post it on my blog. It’s not really beer related but it could be drinking related.